Holding On is a stop-motion documentary animation, discussing the struggles hoarding has on a person and their family. The narrative follows two squirrels living together, one of which excessively collects pinecones, resulting in a manic dance of pinecones building up, consuming their home. By using squirrels, it softens the human problem, relieving embarrassment and creating space to look at the problem directly and fairly.
Viewed at -
Piccadilly Lights - Piccadilly Circus
Lift Off Sessions 2020
ScreenTest: The National Student Film Festival 2021
Holding On is a stop-motion documentary animation, discussing the struggles hoarding has on a person and their family. The narrative follows two squirrels living together, one of which excessively collects pinecones, resulting in a manic dance of pinecones building up, consuming their home. By using squirrels, it softens the human problem, relieving embarrassment and creating space to look at the problem directly and fairly.
Viewed at -
Piccadilly Lights - Piccadilly Circus
Lift Off Sessions 2020
ScreenTest: The National Student Film Festival 2021